Accreditations Held
Accreditations Held

Community Teaching Homes, Inc.
Phone: (419) 868-1178
Fax: (419) 868-1989
​Referral Line: (419) 214-3650

Stuber Home
Tom and Jan Stuber have over twenty-eight years full-time experience working in their home with adolescent boys in need of specialized care. Tom and Jan are trained in the teaching-Family model and have gained a reputation for sticking with youth through challenging times.
Jan develops individualized tutorial programs as well as independent living curriculum for each youth to help them achieve academically and prepare for emancipation.
The Stuber’s live in a small rural suburb in the Anthony Wayne school district. Their home is in the Penta Career center catchment area for youth interested in vocational education.
Tom and Jan participate in many recreational activities with the boys including biking, hiking, camping, the YMCA and swimming at a local pool.

Contact Info
For referrals please contact the referral line at (419) 214-3650 or the office phone at (419) 868-1178 or
Home Phone: (419) 877-0895
Tom's Cell Phone: (419) 356-4153
​Jan's Cell Phone: ​(419) 356-1397
Population: Male
Ages: 8-21
Location: Monclova, OH
County: Lucas
Family activities include:
Backpacking in New Hampshire
Day hikes and running in area parks
Biking & Swimming
The Stuber home welcomes family participation, offering a safe, comfortable place for youth to reconnect with their families.
They are active participants in their local school district, supporting school sport programs and other organized youth activities.
Jan Stuber, SWA is under the supervision of Jonathan Skidmore